Affiliate Disclosure

This website may have an affiliate relationship with certain suppliers of goods and services, which means that if you click on certain links or purchase recommended products or services, we may get a commission.


We may also be compensated for recommending products or services or linking to the supplier’s website.

Affiliate disclosure is an incredibly important piece of legal information to provide on your website. Having a clear and explicit statement about affiliate relationships is key to ensuring a responsible, transparent environment for your web surfers. If you are making money through affiliate relationships, it’s important to make sure you disclose this information clearly.

Doing so informs readers that your relationship with affiliated merchants and websites is something that could result in compensation. In turn, this helps to protect your reputation as being a responsible and credible website operator and help foster trust between you and your audience.

For example, let’s say you have a website about hiking gear and you are linking to numerous websites for readers to partake in affiliate programs. Your readers need to know that you are making a commission when they purchase something. You must include an affiliate disclosure sample that provides this information in order to remain in compliance with the law.

In order to do this, you need to include a written statement on your website that makes it clear that you do receive affiliate commission for certain links embedded on your site. It also needs to be easy to locate, and often referred to as an “Affiliate Disclosure” page.

Some examples of highly-effective affiliate disclosure statements include “We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.” Or, if you’re discussing products or services and include an affiliate link, you can include a statement like “We get commissions for purchases made through links in this post”.

Creating this is easier than you might think! Writing a clear and concise statement is both easy and effective when it comes to keeping you, your readers, and your affiliates in the loop. Take the time to create a great sample and you will ensure a successful and transparent working relationship between your website and its visitors.

Remember, having an affiliate disclosure statement is essential for maintaining trust between yourself, your affiliates, and your readers. So, take the time to write a great   sample today and get excited about keeping things transparent between you, your website visitors, and your affiliates!